Friday, July 1, 2011

TEN THINGS WE DID (and probaby shouldn't have) By: Sarah Mlynowski Young Adult Literature

TEN THINGS WE DID (and probably shouldn't have) By: Sarah Mlynowski
In retrospect April probably shouldn't have tricked her father into letting her live alone with her best friend, Vi. But she saw an opportunity and, hey, what sixteen-year-old wouldn't kill form the chance to live unsupervised with a hefty monthly allowance. So what if April had to tell a tiny, itty-bitty lie to make it happen? April and Vi are very responsible young ladies, it's not like they will get into trouble. Right? I mean, buying a hot tub seemed completely necessary at the time. And the girls only skipped school once because it was, like, a total emergency. Okay and they maybe...probably..definitely shouldn't have harbored a fugitive, thrown a crazy party, played "I never", and paid $3000 for a cat, but they're two sixteen-year-old living without parental supervision. Did you really expect them to follow all the rules? Ages 14 and up. Harper Teen $16.99 Reviewed by Maggie age 16

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