Monday, July 11, 2011

GLOW By: Amy Kathleen Ryan Young Adult Literature

GLOW  By: Amy Kathleen Ryan
Living on the spaceship, the Empyrean, and being part of the first generation to be successfully conceived in deep space, Waverly and her boyfriend Kieran will be some of the first people to settle on New Earth. Waverly has always known that it was her duty to marry young in order to have children so that New Earth will have a stable population, and Kieran is obviously the best choice for a husband. But still, Waverly can't help but want more. But when the Empyrean is attacked by its sister ship, The New Horizon, and Waverly and the rest of the young girls form her ship are kidnapped, marriage becomes the last thing on any one's mind. Now Waverly and Kieran are separated and struggling to survive on two very different ships, which are traveling farther and farther away form each other every passing second. Trapped in deep outer space, will Waverly and Kieran ever see each other again? Ages 14 and up. St. Martins Griffin  $17.99  Reviewed by Maggie age 16. On another note I loved this book, couldn't put it down.

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