Friday, September 25, 2015


Nashoba is very old for a wolf and his pack is hungry. The younger wolf wants to be the new leader of the pack and they get into a fight. Nashoba is still the leader, but he was injured and is suffering. 
Meanwhile Casey plays computer games at home and has a birthday. His father gets him two books on using a bow and arrow. He studies them and for his birthday and later in the day he gets a real bow and arrow. Told only to use it when his father is home. 
Well Nashoba with the help of a raven leads his pack to some elk. Unfortunately it doesn't go as planned and he is injured.
Casey goes against his father's wishes and uses the bow and arrow. He thinks he is responsible for the wolf's injury. 
A great story for children that need to learn about safety and consequences. Ages 8-12 Anthenum  $16.99

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